Can anyone train at Kinetix?
YES! Anyone can train at Kinetix. You don't have to be a professional or aspiring fighter. We pride ourselves on teaching any experience level from the first day beginner to those that want to compete.

Do you offer a free trial?
Absolutely. We offer a free trial day of classes of any of our classes on our regular schedule, with the exception of sparring.

How do I get a free trial?  Do I need an appointment?
All you need to do to get a free trial day is to show up before class and fill out a waiver form. If you are under 18 you will need to bring a parent or guardian to sign the form. We offer free trials to new clients who are local residents. If you are from outside the area, you are welcome to purchase a day pass anytime.

What do I need to bring to a Muay Thai Kickboxing class?
We ask that you provide your own equipment for the Muay Thai Kickboxing classes for general health reasons. We will provide loaner gloves on your trial day. Dress in comfortable workout attire (tshirt & shorts or workout pants) and bring your own towel. Classes are taught barefoot.

What do I need to bring to a Jiu-Jitsu class?
Since we offer both GI and NO GI Jiu Jitsu classes, we ask that you dress appropriately for each class. The GI classes require a GI (with the exception of your free trial day and drop-in students) that is blue in color.  If you do not own a blue Gi, you will be given appropriate time to purchase one.  For NO GI classes we ask that you wear a rashguard or tight fitting shirt with MMA style shorts (no pockets, zippers or button) or compression pants.  

What is the youngest age children can train?
We offer classes for children starting at age 4. We suggest that all children attend a free trial day to make sure they enjoy the class(es) as well as making sure they are ready for instructor led classes.

How do I sign up?
You can sign up in person at Kinetix or online. To sign up online, click the sign up now button and select the program and payment option you would like.

Can I put my membership on hold?
Yes, you can put your membership on hold if you get injured (with a doctor's note) or have extenuating circumstances that require you not to be able to train. You will need to inform us as immediately following the injury and in advance of anything else.

How do I cancel my membership?
Month to month memberships require a 30 day notice notice via email or certified letter prior to your next billing cycle.